
A consistent, unified brand identity has many benefits.

When our students, alumni, community members, donors, and stakeholders see a consistent presence from our brand, it reinforces our unique position in their minds. By knowing what they can expect from our brand, they will begin to assign a higher value and trust in American Baptist College. 

Why Branding Is Important

Our colors, fonts and structure should all be unique to our brand, and should be reinforced through every stage — at every touchpoint our audiences have with American Baptist College. 

Moreover, as an institution of higher education, consistency in branding across all owned media is a vital part of establishing distinction and relevancy to prospective students. 

American Baptist College Brand

Message from the President

I am pleased to introduce this Branding Guidelines to you produced by the Division of Institutional Advancement. 

It is a document to guide us through the communications and marketing process, so that our branding has consistency and continuity.  The style guide gives us more than branding structure, it helps in marketing the College, so that the fonts, colors, style, will speak volumes of who we are in all that we do.

I hope you will find this document helpful and use it wisely in your internal and external communications.

I am proud to congratulate the Division of Institutional Advancement on this extremely detailed document that will guide us all through the very arduous communications and marketing processes.  You will find these materials provide a clear and concise style guide for our communications activities at American Baptist College.


Forrest E. Harris, Sr., President


The Centennial Logo

The American Baptist College Centennial Celebration logo holds a distinctive and honorary status, commemorating a century of the College’s profound legacy. At the core of this emblem is the flame, a powerful symbol often kindled during formal academic processions. This flame serves as a metaphorical representation of the enduring knowledge and wisdom cultivated within the hearts of the students and alumni, as well as those who support the College because of its mission.

The Centennial Celebration logo boldly incorporates the numerical representation of “100 years” through strategically placed text and banner elements. Additionally, it pays homage to the founding year, 1924, signifying the roots from which this esteemed institution has grown.

Official Uses

    • The institutional marketing signature; primary identifier
    • For use by all offices and divisions, including the Office of the President and the American Baptist College Board of Trustees
    • For American Baptist College signage, marketing, communications, licensing
    • Authenticating official College documents

The Flame

The American Baptist College logo includes its flame logomark combined with two logotypes. These versions cannot be modified in any way, including adding additional wording or changing the gold flame.

The Seal 

The office seal of American Baptist College combines the flame, which is lit during formal academic processions symbolizing that the knowledge for the flame will burn forever in the hearts of the students, as well as those who support the College because of its mission. The seal also incorporates the year 1924, when the College was established. 

Logo Usage 

File Formats

For best results in printing or manufacturing, use the vector format of the logo (.eps file format). This type of file ensures the highest quality, no matter how small or large the logo is reproduced.

For best results on the website, digital templates and powerpoints, use the raster format of the logo. These are .jpg or .png files.


Minimum Size

The preferred minimum size for the logo in print is 1.2 inches wide in print and 48 pixels for digital use. The logo should always be scaled proportionally width/height.


Incorrect Uses

The American Baptist College logo should not be modified, altered or corrupted in any manner.

You should not try to type it in a different font, space it out, stretch it, put anything around it, make any of the words or letters larger or smaller than the rest, tilt it or use it with another symbol or set of symbols. 



American Baptist College strives to maintain a standard in how we manage and maintain our brand image through type. Two typefaces have been selected for use in design: Gotham and Montserrat. 

These typefaces complement each other and may be used together in application. These typefaces are preferred for professionally produced print or digital products. 


Primary Typefaces:



Secondary Typefaces:



Web Typefaces:

Open Sans



Replacement Fonts:

When the preferred American Baptist College fonts are not available, San Serif may be used instead. These fonts are suitable for internal communications and digital documents such as e-mail, Word documents and PowerPoint decks. 


American Baptist College’s identity is also unified by a consistent color standard. This color standard applies to all icons of the branding identity. The color palette is divided into two categories, official and accent colors. The official palette should be dominant in all visual communications. The accent palette provides flexibility to the system and allows a broader range of expression, but must never dominate ABC’s official colors.


Primary Palette

Secondary Palette




Entity Logos 

Garnett | Nabrit Lecture Series 

American Baptist College’s Garnett\Nabrit’s Lectures logo was designed to bring focus to this historic event in the life of the College.  A major ABC sponsored event, this lecture series further identifies the significance of this event to the College and the greater community, worldwide.

The logo is specifically crafted to advocate and promote the Garnett | Nabrit Lectures.

Liberation In Technology

The logo is specifically crafted to advocate for and promote L.I.T. events.

ABC Lion

The logo is specifically crafted for approved ABC paraphernalia and to advocate and promote ABC intramural events and Esports teams.

Entity Logo Request
Requests for entity logo development can be submitted to abc_advancement@abcnash.edu. New entity logos will need to be approved by the Institutional Advancement Division, Senior Management Team, and President of the College. 


Universal Elements/ Consistencies

Publication Use

If a communications pieces refers to American Baptist College as a single unit, use of the official American Baptist College Flame logo is required. 

    • The official American Baptist College Centennial logo must be prominently displayed on the front and back covers of all large published materials designed for external audiences, such as case studies, annual reports, major gift packets, magazines and other sizable publications.
    • The official American Baptist College Centennial logo must be prominently displayed on the front page or front panel of smaller communication pieces, such as brochures and newsletters.
    • The official American Baptist College Centennial logo must be prominently displayed on all advertisements, displays, flyers, signage, posters, invitations, postcards, and other communication pieces.


The Presidents Report is the only piece authorized to use the official American Baptist College Seal logo.



In describing the voice of the College, it addresses both the person and the tone of the communication. It is proposed that the voice to the general population, alumni and constitutes is conciliatory, calm and kind; knowledgeable and confident, and clear with the information disseminated.


When sending internal messages:

The voice for internal communications, whether coming from the President, which is the normal process, or the Vice Presidents, or designated member of the Senior Management Team, the tone should be friendly and uplifting, clear and concise and encouraging. 


When addressing public audiences: 

In addressing public offices, the tone should be uplifting, inviting and knowledgeable and including historical facts, as deemed appropriate for the situation.



A present or active tense should be used in all communications.


Writing Style Guidelines

Style manual 

Use AP style for press communications and all large published materials. MLA style may be used for campus communications.


Academic Degrees

Use an apostrophe in “bachelor’s degree,” “master’s,” etc. Use abbreviations such as “B.A.” and “M.A.” only when you need to include a list of credentials after a name; set them off with commas.

Mike Smith, M.D., Ph.D., works…


Academic Majors 

Lowercase all majors except those incorporating proper nouns:

Melinda Jones is a women’s studies major and

Jill Klein is majoring in Spanish



Spell out all generic parts of street names (avenue, north, road)

when no specific address is given.

 When a number is used, abbreviate avenue (Ave.), boulevard

(Blvd.), street (St.) and directional parts of street names.



Use alumnus when referring to an individual male, alumna for an individual female, alumni for a group of males, alumnae for a group of females, and alumni for a group consisting of males and females.


Building Names

Capitalize the proper names of buildings, including the word “building” if it is part of the proper name. 


Course Titles

Capitalizing with quotation marks is preferable.


Dates, days, and times

Follow the AP guide entry for “dates,” “months” and “days of the week.” When writing the name of the day with the date, set the date in commas:

Monday, Mar. 28, is the day of…


When a phrase refers to a month, day and year, set off the year with commas.

Jan. 15, 2008, was the first day of the semester.


Always use Arabic figures, without st, nd, rd or th

Nov. 12, not Nov. 12th


Lecture titles

Set the exact title in quotation marks.


Lecturers, lectureships

The title “lecturer” or “adjunct lecturer” should be considered an occupational title rather than a formal title and as such should be lowercased even before an individual’s name:

Feature writing lecturer Jon Meacham



Each major unit is a division.

  1. The Division of Institutional Advancement
  2. The Division of Strategic Services
  3. The Division of Administration
  4. The Division of Administration, etc.


Capitalize formal names and lowercase informal reference:

The Department of Theology, but theology department


Generic reference for divisions should only be used on second and subsequent references and in lowercase form:

  1. The Division of Administration
  2. The administration division;
  3. The division, etc.



Use lowercase, even when in reference to an issue of a publication:

It was featured in the fall 2012 issue of The President’s Report


Technological terms

Here are the correct spelling and capitalization rules for some common

technological terms:

    • download
    • e-book
    • e-book reader
    • e-reader
    • email
    • cellphone
    • Facebook



Capitalize formal or courtesy titles (president, professor, senator, etc.) before the names of individuals, and lowercase formal titles following names of individuals. Never use EVP, VP in formal settings, always the full title. Lowercase descriptive or occupational titles (teacher, attorney, department chair) in all cases. 

President Forrest E. Harris, Sr.

Vice President Phyllis Qualls 

Jane Jones, theology professor 

Dean Emily Carter



Capitalize when used before the name of an individual, lowercase in all other cases:

Trustee John Smith; but John Smith is a trustee of the College


External Communication Policy


The Institutional Advancement Division is responsible for disseminating and pitching news stories, responding to media inquiries, and arranging interviews centered on the College’s academic goals, objectives, mission, and the Four Strategic Priorities – Academics and Scholarship, Student Engagement, Institutional Advancement [Stewardship], and Strategic Partnerships and Alliances.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that American Baptist College communication is coordinated, managed, and done well for the positive effectiveness of the institution. 



For the purpose of this policy the term “media” refers to all individuals and organizations who maintain print, broadcast, or digital communication outlets for public consumption. This definition includes: newspapers; magazines; state and county websites; television; Public, Education and Government Access Channels (PEG), radio; podcasts, blogs, digital news sites; and other media outlets.



This policy applies to all American Baptist College employees; administrators, faculty and staff at all levels, consultants and student interns. 


This policy applies to employees while acting in their capacity as employees of the District, including when asked questions in a public setting, in person and online.


Policy Statement: 

Requests for Official College Position or Response

All inquiries seeking an official American Baptist College response or a statement on behalf of the College should be directed to the Division of Institutional Advancement. Authorization to speak on behalf of American Baptist College will only be given by the Vice President of Institutional Advancement or the Director of Constituency Relations.


All requests for an official response or statement from the American Baptist College Board of Trustees should be reported to the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and the Board President.


All requests for an official response or statement from the American Baptist College Social Justice, Equity, Advocacy and Leadership (SEAL) initiative should be reported to the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and the Director of SEAL.


No faculty or staff member may make official statements on behalf of the College without consultation, with, and express authorization from, the Vice President of Institutional Advancement and/or the Director of Constituency Relations.


No employee is authorized to speak “off the record” on behalf of the College to the media on any matter pertaining to the College unless authorized by the Vice President of Institutional Advancement or President.


College employees must adhere to relevant American Baptist College policies as well as all federal, state and local laws and policies regarding the release of information about activities of the College, or its employees, students, volunteers, including those that apply to privacy and patient confidentiality such as HIPAA and FERPA.


Requests to Faculty and Staff Regarding Subject Matter Expertise

When divisions and/or individuals are contacted for their scholarly or professional expertise, they are encouraged to notify the Institutional Advancement Division that a media representative has contacted them. The Institutional Advancement Division is available to consult with administrators, faculty and staff about the most effective ways to work with the media.


Any questions outside of an employee’s academic expertise or area should involve consultation with the Vice President of Institutional Advancement, who can be a resource.


If an employee is unsure of whether a question or request for comment from the media concerns the faculty or staff member’s area of expertise or seeks an official College position, the Institutional Advancement Division must be consulted.


Personal Speech

While personal freedom of speech is a citizen’s right, all employees should know when speaking, even personally, there is an impact on the college.


Nothing in this policy is intended to restrict the freedom of any employee or to engage in their scholarly activities or personal involvement in community activities. Nothing in this policy is intended to affect an individual’s right to express personal opinions on America Baptist College actions and policies. Nothing in this policy is intended to restrict an employee from commenting on matters of public concern implicating an employer’s official dishonesty, any deliberate unconstitutional action, other serious wrongdoing or threats to health and safety.


When speaking or writing as a citizen, an employee should be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that he/she does not speak for the College.


Note: The President of the College has the right to make any media-related decision.



Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with American Baptist College policy and any other applicable local, state, and federal employment law.


Effective Date: March 25, 2022

For More Information, Contact: Phyllis Qualls, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Communications & Marketing 

Contact Information: Phone: (615) 687-6921

Campus Emergency / Crisis Communication Policy


In the event of a major crisis on campus, it is essential that American Baptist College communication is disseminated in a timely and accurate manner, and all inquiries are routed to the appropriate sources.


The Institutional Advancement Division is responsible for the development and dissemination of all College communications in the event of a campus emergency.



“Crisis” for purposes of this policy is an extraordinary incident or statement that negatively impacts American Baptist College.


Every issue is not a crisis. If everything is a crisis, nothing is a crisis. Good news is not a crisis, however will be handled with much delight, still through the Division of Institutional Advancement.



This procedure is intended to:

    • Assist those involved in dealing with the crisis to respond appropriately
    • Provide coordination with external individuals and agencies
    • Provide communication within the college community
    • Assist in post-crisis support and resolution


Crisis Response Team

The Institutional Advancement Division will coordinate the College crisis response with appropriate members. Other members will be utilized on an as-needed basis and will participate when the situation warrants as decided by the coordinator (i.e., Senior Management Team, Chief of Staff, Assistant to the President, Director of SEAL, etc).


All communication should be disseminated by the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, in consultation with the Senior Management Team and the President.


Implementation Steps

    • In the event of a student crisis, any individual first to respond must contact emergency personnel by dialing 911.
    • The plan of action in regards to the crisis is outlined below:
      • Fire
      • Shooting
      • Fights
      • Break-ins
      • Automobile thefts
      • Damage to Property
      • Student pregnancy Issues
      • Technology


  1. Identifying the facts
  2. Researching  and interviewing the parties involved
  3. Providing a message to the public: Board, media, ABC Community (faculty, students, staff, alumni)
  4. The Spokesperson will be identified as the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. The President will speak only after other messaging has been done, and all facts are known.
  5. Messaging on our website and other social media, will take place concurrently with other messaging.
  6. All communication, internal and external, must be cleared and disseminated by the Institutional Advancement Division.
  7. If a command post is needed because of fire, bombing, etc. campus operations manager, in consultation with the Vice President for Administration, and the SMT to identify effective locations.


Other Circumstances

  1. Issues dealing with rumors, and other word issues
    1. Example: “The Vice President called the students ‘stupid’.”
    2. Issues of this type will follow the same protocol as all other crisis matters — all matters, whether low impact or high impact, will follow that protocol.
  2. The Institutional Advancement staff will work with information from CASE, the Council for Secondary Education, to have updated research on crisis management issues.  


Effective Date: March 25, 2022

For More Information, Contact: Phyllis Qualls, Vice President of Institutional  Advancement, Communications & Marketing 

Contact Information: Phone: (615) 687-6921

On-campus Video/Film Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that commercial videography and photography are coordinated, managed and done well for the positive effectiveness of the institution; as well as mitigate risks to people, programs, and property of American Baptist College.


This policy also sets forth requirements for photography/videography by non-College personnel and by members of the College community for private, non-profit, commercial or news gathering purposes.



“Filming” for purposes of this policy means all video shooting on College  property done for commercial purposes by individuals or organizations who are not employed by or agents of American Baptist College.

“Photography” means the action of taking photos/pictures, using digital or traditional means. 

“Campus” means all real estate under the control of American Baptist College regardless of location.


Policy Statement: 

American Baptist College requires explicit written permission for all film, photo, and video shooting on College property done for commercial purposes. The Institutional Advancement Division is the designated office for receiving requests to film, granting or denying approval, and coordinating College support for approved activities.



  1. Filming will not be allowed at times and in places where it would be disruptive to the academic process, official business or student life.
  2. The College’s name, marks, prominent individuals and locations may not be filmed without express written permission.
  3. Entities requesting permission to film must submit the final script, treatment, storyboards, or similar materials describing the project in detail for prior approval by the College. 
  4. The College has the right to deny filming requests if, in its sole judgment, the project conflicts with the mission and values of American Baptist College, portrays students or faculty in a negative manner, or is derogatory to higher education. 
  5. The College reserves the right to revoke permission to film on its property at any time, without recourse, if in its judgment the filming is in conflict with the terms and intent of this policy.
  6. The College reserves the right to eject any crew members or persons in any way connected with the production company for displaying behavior that is deemed disruptive to the operation of the College. 
  7. The College will assign staff, from the Institutional Advancement Division, to oversee the film crew’s activities on campus. Those staff will have full discretion to enforce any and all aspects of this policy in the manner they deem appropriate.



This policy does not cover filming for the following purposes:

  1. Personal use: filming for personal, noncommercial use
  2. Academic use: filming by students and faculty for academic purposes, including research, creative or scholarly work, or teaching and learning


Nevertheless, filming for these purposes may be subject to reasonable and appropriate restrictions imposed by the College for legitimate reasons, such as to preserve safety or maintain public order, to protect personal privacy, to avoid disruption to the College’s academic activities and official business, or to comply with state or federal law.


Consent Required: 

American Baptist College requires written consent to feature a person’s likeness, name and/or biographical information in photos or films.

When Obtaining Consent:

  1. American Baptist College requires signatures for the Photo/Video Release Form be collected from the appropriate people. The official Photo/Video Release Form may be reviewed online at 
  2. The College will honor requests not to take or use photos/video to the extent practicable.


Video Request Form

Video/Photo Consent Form


Effective Date: March 25, 2022

For More Information, Contact: Phyllis Qualls,  Vice President of Institutional  Advancement, Communications & Marketing 

Contact Information: Phone (615) 687-6921

Social Media Policy and Guidelines


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that American Baptist College social media communication is coordinated, managed and done well for the positive effectiveness of the institution. The College’s social media applications are equivalent to the College official website and must be treated with the same review and respect. 



“Official Accounts” are social media accounts maintained by the Institutional Advancement Division

“Department Accounts” are approved social media accounts maintained by College entities (e.g. Academics, Admissions)

“Organization Accounts” are social media accounts maintained by student organizations (e.g. Garnett | Nabrit Lecture Series)

“Social media” is an interactive computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks and communities. This definition includes: Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; LinkedIn; Blogs; Google+; Flicker; RSS; and other social media outlets. 



This policy applies to all American Baptist College employees; administrators, faculty and staff at all levels, contractors, interns, enrolled students and alumni. 


Policy Statement:



Official Accounts

The Institutional Advancement Division manages and promotes the following official American Baptist College channels: 


Department Accounts


Organization Accounts


Account Creation

If you are interested in creating a social media page on behalf of American Baptist College, you must review and be familiar with all policies, guidelines, and procedures for American Baptist College’s social media and social messaging platforms as outlined herein and seek approval from the Institutional Advancement Division.  


Social media accounts should not be created prior to securing approval. If an account has been created and is in violation of American Baptist College’s policies, it will be reported and taken down.

Submit a social media application form.


Naming Accounts

When naming an account held by the College, the College’s name should be listed before the division or program name when possible. Examples include “American Baptist College Admissions. The account handle should also follow Official account standards. Examples include “@abcedu_admissions.”



To increase security, American Baptist College requires: 

    • Multiple individuals should have access to all College social media accounts. At least two people should have access; at least one of these people should be a full-time faculty or staff member; and students should not be the only people with access to official accounts. 
    • If someone who has access to the account leaves American Baptist College, passwords should be changed immediately.
    • When the admin of a Facebook or LinkedIn account leaves American Baptist College, they must transfer the admin role to another American Baptist College staff member before they leave.
    • All passwords should be reasonably complex and difficult for unauthorized people to guess; never shared via email; and not personal staff passwords.


Content Development

Content Guidelines

Content found on the American Baptist College’s social media accounts includes, but is not limited to College news, campus and community events, thoughts on social justice and advocacy, religious activities, student and alumni stories, and engagement opportunities. 


The Institutional Advancement Division and all approved account managers must abide by the following guidelines: 

    • Seek Approval. Any messages that might act as the “voice” or position of the College must be approved by the Institutional Advancement Division. 
    • Maintaining Confidentiality. Do not post confidential or proprietary information about American Baptist College, its students, its alumni or employees without consent.
    • Be Accurate. Verify all information with the appropriate sources. Cite and link to all your sources whenever possible. 
    • Correct Mistakes. If you post inaccurate information, acknowledge it. Be honest and quick with your correction(s). 
    • Be Timely. Approved accounts must maintain a regular, active posting frequency. The minimum frequency for approved accounts is three times a week. Aim for standard times for posting updates. Helpful source: sproutsocial.com/insights
    • Respect Our Community. Social media users are free to discuss topics and disagree with one another and/or the College; however responses (when necessary) should be respectful of others’ opinions. 
    • Use approved templates. Maintaining a clear and consistent brand identity is vital to the positioning of the College. When publishing graphic announcements, please utilize approved templates. Please note: Account managers will have access to the template library.
    • Link back to www.abcnash.edu. When appropriate, link back to www.abcnash.edu or an www.abcnash.edu url extension.
    • Include alternative text descriptions. When posting images, provide alternate text captions (or “alt tags”) that describe the image and provide context.
    • Caption videos. Include title, subtitles, and descriptions for social media videos.
    • Hashtags. The active social media hashtags are as followed:
      • #LightaFlameThatsLastsForever
      • #ABCRoadto100
      • #americanbaptistcollege
      • #ABCStrong
      • #ABCedu
      • #GNL


Protect Confidential and Proprietary Information: 

Do not post confidential, legal, or proprietary information about American Baptist College, students, employees or alumni. Employees must still follow the applicable federal requirements such as FERPA, HIPPA and NCAA regulations, as well as applicable College privacy and confidentiality policies. Employees who share confidential or proprietary information do so at the risk of disciplinary action or termination.   


Social media should not be used as a method of collecting personal information from users. This may be a violation of the sites’ terms and conditions and/or state or federal laws. 


Respect Copyright and Fair Use: 

Do not use intellectual materials or content produced and legally owned by others without expressed written consent to do so. Any photos, graphics and written content produced and owned by others must be credited appropriately.


Endorsements and Political Campaigning: 

Do not  College accounts to endorse products, services or individuals. Additionally, College posts cannot be used to support individual candidates or political parties.



In the event of a crisis or emergency, all social media publishing should cease until the Vice President for Institutional Advancement has contacted all account managers. Please refer to the Campus Emergency / Crisis Communication Policy for further details.


Get Featured on ABC Official Accounts!

If you would like to request your content to be shared with the American Baptist College community, please fill out this form.  If approved, you will be notified that your request has been granted and information will be disseminated on the designated ABC platforms.


For additional questions or guidelines, please email abc_advacement@abcnash.edu.


Disclaimer: Although some of these policies and guidelines are unique to American Baptist College, our College has modeled parts of them on what are considered the best practices of other institutions of higher learning. Just as social media is constantly changing, these policies and guidelines will also continue to evolve. 


Effective Date: March 25, 2022

For More Information, Contact: Phyllis Qualls,  Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Communications & Marketing 

Contact Information: Phone (615) 687-6921