The Susie McClure Library believes in social justice, equity, and inclusion for all therefore we use critical information literacy to inspire and teach our students how power structures exists within information literacy.

Critical information literacy is a way of thinking and teaching that examines the social construction and political dimensions of libraries and information, problematizing information’s production and use so that library users may think critically about such forcesĀ  (American Library Association).

Using Information Ethically:

To use the work of others ethically, you will need to avoid plagiarizing by understanding how to quote, paraphrase, and cite the work of others. Even though information, words, and ideas are not concrete, they still can be stolen and individuals who do that can get into trouble. It is important to ethically use the resources you gather for your own project, paper, or research.


Using Information Legally:

Use copyrighted material appropriately, i.e., according to copyright laws and restrictions.


Additional Questions?

Why is information created?

Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method. The iterative processes of researching, creating, revising and disseminating information vary, and the resulting product reflects these differences.

How is information used socially?

Information is the sum total of all knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction; it is the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered or learned. We use information from what we learn from others whether in school, at work, or within social groupings.

How is information used politically?

Ā Information politics is a process of organization-level uncertainty reduction or sense-making based on power, influence, and negotiation determining the meaning and relevance of information that is available to the organization.

How is information used economically?

Information has economic value because it allows individuals to make choices that yield higher expected payoffs or expected utility than they would obtain from choices made in the absence of information.