Welcome to American Baptist College!
American Baptist College is affectionately called “The Holy Hill.” According to a national data-based survey conducted by the U. S. Department of Education that included all colleges and universities in the country, American Baptist College is listed as the best bargain for the most affordable collegiate education you can receive in Tennessee. So welcome to the best bargain for higher education in town!
All of the College’s resources, the entire faculty and staff are dedicated to providing students with the best education possible. American Baptist College is challenging enough to help students become their best selves yet, small enough to care about and address each student’s learning style. We want every student who walks into an ABC classroom to have the best educational experience possible. We are constantly assessing the work that we do as a college, but we never stop imagining how we can do a better job serving our students. The commitment is not only my commitment, but the commitment of the Board of Trustees, administration, staff and faculty to transparency and our standard of excellence. I share some key planning documents created and vetted throughout the campus that show where the college sees itself headed in the future.
As you can see, we are committed here on “The Holy Hill” to doing our best to help our students achieve the goal of becoming the kind of moral thinkers and leaders needed for today and tomorrow.
Now, let me step from around the desk and ask the student who is praying and thinking about attending American Baptist College: Are you ready to go to work? I know your answer is a resounding “yes” or else you would not have signed up to join us here at American Baptist College. What you will notice is that all around you there are people who have also said “yes” to the mission of educating you for social justice leadership and Christian service in the world.
The door of the President’s office is open to each student to set a time to talk about how things are going during the course of the semester. “Education plus character” is the way Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. defined education. Let us make this kind of education real at American Baptist College.
Light a flame that lasts forever!
Dr. Forrest E. Harris,
Senior Leadership

Forrest E. Harris Sr., DMin.

Richard Jackson, J.D.

Febbie Dickerson, Ph.D.

Donnetta S. Butler, MBA

Phyllis D.K. Hildreth, J.D.

Phyllis Qualls, Ed.D.
Board of Trustees
Mr. Dennie Marshall, Chair
Mr. James A. Crumlin, Jr., Vice Chair
Ms. Lamel Bandy-Neal
Meharry Medical College Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. E. L. Branch
Third New Hope Baptist Church
Detroit, Michigan
Mrs. Dorothy Berry
Human Resources, State of Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Mrs. Gail Carr Williams
Government and Community Relations
Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Dr. Tellis J. Chapman
Galilee Baptist Church
Detroit, Michigan
Dr. John W. Crittle II
Crittle Financial, Inc.
Holly Springs, Mississippi
Rev. Dr. Christopher B. Davis
Pastor, St. Paul Baptist Church
Memphis, Tennessee
Rev. Dr. Darrell Drumwright
The Temple Church
Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Dr. Johnny H. Flakes III
Fourth Street Missionary Baptist Church
Columbus, Georgia
Mrs. Brenda Gilmore
Nashville, Tennessee
Mr. Don Hardin
The Don Hardin Group
Nashville, Tennessee
Mrs. Monchiere Holmes-Jones
MOJO Marketing
Nashville, TN
Rev. Dr. Derrick L. Jackson
First Baptist Gallatin
Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Trajean Jadorette
New Covenant Baptist Church
Englerston, The Bahamas
Mr. Bill King
Nashville, Tennessee
Bishop Lawrence Kirby
St. Paul Baptist Church
Racine, Wisconsin
Mrs. Rosetta Miller-Perry
The Tennessee Tribune
Nashville, Tennessee
Rev. Lamont Monford, Sr.
Philippian Missionary Baptist Church
Lima, Ohio
Dr. Cynthia Turner Graham
Smyrna, Georgia