The Title III Program began as part of the 1965 Higher Education Act. Over the years Title III funding has been an integral part of providing necessary academic services to HBCU's. Without these funds most of our colleges and universities would not be able to address the needs of students.
What are Title III Sponsored Programs?
Title III is a federal program that supports the development and academic progress of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Title III funds are used to purchase computers and software supplies, instructional supplies, faculty and staff development and contractual services.
What Academic Activities are Supported with Title III Funds at American Baptist College?
- Program Management and Evaluation
- Strengthening Student-Centered Learning Community Systems
- Strategic Services for Learning, Measurement, and Evaluation Assessment
- Facilities Enhancement, Renovation, and Construction
- Increasing Scholarship Endowment
- Institutional Advancement
- Addressing Key Infrastructure Needs
- Strengthening Fiscal Stability
For more information about Title III sponsored academic programs, contact Demetria McCroskey by email at or by phone at 615-687-6890.