Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Pittsburgh,, has a unique mission. In addition to worshipping God, the church also infuses relevancy in its in-reach and outreach services. President Forrest Harris preached at the church’s annual Social Justice Sunday. He talked about the intersection of justice to the community. ” I saw firsthand how this outstanding pastor preaches and teaches a holistic approach to service.”
Ebenezer has partnered with CVS and other non-profits to focus on a healthy lifestyle for all of its members and the community at large. There is a CVS mock store on the church campus to train individuals to become pharmaceutical technicians. There are locations to get basic triage services —heart, blood pressure, and COVID testing.
“I was thoroughly impressed at this outreach service,” said President Harris. The church showcases its own Ebenezer Pharmacy Technical Workforce Program, and provides trained staff to work at CVS stories throughout the pharmacy network. Beyond the technician training, some individual continue their studies in Medical billing and Coding Classes. The church also offers Call-Center training for CVS.
Pastor Vincent has done marvelously with his service at Ebenezer. A graduate of American Baptist College, it is clear God has truly anointed him with many spiritual gifts including wisdom, discernment, and deliverance. “God, guide me as I speak the truth so that I do so out of love and seek only to build up, not to tear down,” Dr. Campbell says. His unique gift of teaching scripture in plain language, with real-life illustrations and applications has also brought about an increase in weekly Bible Study, increasing the number of classes needed to keep up with the demand. Dr. Campbell served as the Vice-Chair of the Hill District Minister’s Alliance (HDMA), a group of pastors and leaders who meet on a regular basis to coordinate support for new and ongoing community initiatives. His ongoing commitment to educating youth led him to serve a term as Co-Chair of the Hill District Education Council (HDEC).
For more information on the work being dong at Ebenezer-Pittsburg, contact the church at 412-281-6583 or pastorcampbellevenezer@gmail.com