(Nashville, TN) American Baptist College’s (ABC) Spring Break will now start Monday, March 16, 2020, instead of Monday, March 30, 2020. Operational and academic modifications have been made to facilitate social distancing in conformity with international, national, state and local public health agency guidance pertaining to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, now affecting the local area, the state of Tennessee, the nation, and the world. Dr. Forrest Harris, Sr., President of ABC, said, “As an institution focused on providing ethical, social justice leadership, American Baptist College cannot and should not be an “island unto itself” and must take steps to protect and advance the health of its campus community, as well as the community at large.”
ABC will modify campus operations to promote social distancing by permitting its full-time employees to work remotely three (3) days each week and two (2) days in the campus office.
During this modification of operations, the College’s dormitory facility will remain open, so that residential students will not be required to move out or travel unless they choose to do so. Students choosing to remain in residence on the campus will be required to have a daily temperature screen and report any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Likewise, employees will be required to follow the same procedure. The Health and Wellness Center will be open for temperature screens Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.
Alternate modes of instruction will be offered for the curriculum, beginning March 23rd. Spring classes will end after a full term of instruction and according to a revised schedule under development by the Academic Leadership Team at the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Strategy and Academics.
For more information, please contact Phyllis Qualls, at 615.498.4681 or pqualls@abcnash.edu