Friends of the Library Fund-Raising Committee Re-ignited
Dr. Susie McClure, 105 years young, celebrated the proud moment of the ground breaking for the library extension in her own way. She was unable to attend the event that bears her name, the Susie McClure Library on the campus, therefore the event went to her.
This highly respected Woman of Substance is known for her work in the Baptist Church throughout the country, and is a member of Fifteenth Avenue Baptist Church in Nashville. She has been a strong supporter of American Baptist College for years and served on the Board of Trustees.

Dr. Gracie Porter shares the moment of the ABC Susie McClure Library with 105 years young Dr. Susie McClure.
Dr. Gracie Porter, a longtime family friend said, “This event gives me much pleasure and I am delighted to represent the family. After the ceremony, Dr. Porter took the event to Dr. McClure; shovel, hard hat, printed program, and all. “She was delighted,” said Porter.
“The Friends of the Library Committee at American Baptist College is being re-ignited with this extension. This addition brings renewed interest in the library and its holdings,” said Dr. Phyllis Qualls, Vice President of Intuitional Advancement. We will be raising funds for additional interior support,” she added.
The extension will make the library more accessible for students and community citizens alike. It includes an elevator, additional restrooms, improved lighting, and improvements to the HVAC system. Built in 1954, this stately building on the historic campus was not required to have handicap accessibility features “The McClure Library will be accessible to those who have mobility challenges as they visit and tour the library with ease, comfort and safety,” said Richard Jackson, executive vice president.

Keaton Walkine, ABC Campus Operations, Brandon Mason, Project Director, Dr. Phyllis Qualls, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Richard Jackson, Executive Vice President, President Forrest Harris, Dr. Gracie Porter, long time friend of Dr. Susie McClure, Walker Matthews, RC Matthews, Phyllis D.K. Hildreth, Vice President for Institutional Strategy and Academics, Kalyn Foster, ABC Alumnae ’20 and Wendell Brown (ESa).
Pictures by Daniel Adkins
“The library is a sacred place on any campus and here at ABC this extension and the library offerings will be a magnet for learning and academic exchange,” said Vice President fo Institutional Strategy and Academics, Phyllis D.K. Hildreth.
RC. Matthews Company, will have oversight responsibilities for the project. Walker Matthews, Chairman and CEO explained, “This project is important to the college, and city of Nashville, because of the significance of American Baptist College to this city.” Earl Swenson and Associates will do the construction.
This project is scheduled to be completed in early 2022. “We are excited about this growth and the renewed interest in our “Friends of the Library Committee to raise funds for additional support offerings in this significant building on our campus,” said President Harris.