Message from ABC President Forrest Harris Regarding the Rescinded Funding Freeze
January 29, 2025
The efforts of American Baptist College and others from the higher education community, the not-for-profit sector, and well-reasoned organizations and individuals from all across the United States to push back on the Trump Administration’s attempt to freeze grant funds already appropriated by Congress were successful … this time. However, we cannot and should not allow this respite from the pain that would have been inflicted to lull us to sleep. The clarion call that prompted us to action should most properly be viewed as a preparatory readiness drill for what likely lies ahead.
As American Baptist College continues to celebrate its Centennial, we must be more mindful than ever of the need for friends, funds, and freshmen. Those three things will bolster the College’s ability to weather the storms we may face. The College continues to live consistent with its historical tradition and legacy of advocating for those things that are morally right and just. Our actions taken opposing the ill-conceived freeze on grant funds are proof positive that the flame still burns brightly on the “Holy Hill.”
This is a particularly appropriate and poignant time to make a contribution to the College; share the ABC story with a friend who has a philanthropic spirit; and to encourage someone considering where to go for college to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Congressman John Lewis. Each of these actions, done by enough of our alumni and friends will ensure that ABC will have the staying power and financial resources necessary to withstand whatever threats may come during these turbulent and chaotic times.
Thanking you, in advance, for all your efforts on behalf of American Baptist College.
Forrest E. Harris,